Navigating NSF & the Office of Polar Programs
What is NSF’s Office of Polar Programs (also known as OPP)? How do you make your polar science proposal as NSF-savvy as possible? How do you best describe your broader impacts? What is cutting edge in data management? How do you identify the best program for application? How do you access available education and outreach funds? Where do you even start finding funding opportunities?
Learn answers to these questions when you meet in small groups with Program Officers. Learn what they are looking for, how to ask the right questions, give the right answers, and get funded! This workshop will include a presentation about NSF and the Office of Polar Programs (45 min) and breakout rooms for small group discussions with different OPP program officers (45 min). The workshop is aimed at early-career to mid-career participants, especially graduate students, post-docs, researchers, and tenure-track faculty thinking about applying for NSF/OPP funding for the first time.