We are excited to provide our community members with the PSECCO Pro Deal Program—aka gear discounts for all your field season needs! Our partnership with Outdoor ProLink provides access to their ProDeal program for our community. As a PSECCO member, you can now receive industry discounts on outdoor gear and equipment from top brands like Black Diamond, Smartwool, and more.
To apply for the PSECCO Pro Deal Program, simply visit our website and fill out the application form here. Once your application is approved, you will receive an invite that can be used to create your account through outdoorprolink.com. Buying through Pro Deal sometimes comes with longer wait and shipping times. Please keep this in mind when prepping for your field season.
Who is eligible for this program?
To be eligible for this pro deal, please note that you must be a member of the PSECCO Slack channel and subscribed to our mailing list. If you haven't already, please join our community on Slack and sign up for our newsletter to ensure you're able to take advantage of this incredible opportunity for exclusive discounts on outdoor gear and equipment. Unfortunately, we understand that outdoorprolink.com does not currently ship outside of the United States, including Puerto Rico. However, we are working hard to find a solution to this limitation and will keep you updated on any progress made.
Have any questions? Please email psecco@colorado.edu for more information.