'How to write a one-pager' Workshop Part 1 with the NSF Office of Polar Programs
June 27, 2024
On June 20th, 2024, the Polar Science Early Career Community Office (PSECCO) and the Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC) collaborated with three National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of Polar Programs (OPP) Officers to host the first of two workshops in the 'How to write a one-pager' series.
The recording for this event can be accessed on the PSECCO YouTube playlist here.
The slides created for this event can be accessed here.
In this recording, you can better understand the benefits and opportunities of developing a one-pager for the NSF program officers that you’re working with to review. Listening to NSF OPP Officers Kelly Brunt, Lauren Culler, and Dave Porter discuss the ins and outs of writing a one-pager will provide insight on how to create your own, and what a one-pager should include, with respect to recent needs expressed by the NSF within the most recently released Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) which can be accessed here.
Participants were sorted into teams to collaborate in creating a one-pager to submit by July 10th for feedback to be shared by NSF program officers with them on July 17th.
Relevant resources and links shared during the workshop include:
A ‘how to write a one-pager' cheat-sheet can be accessed here.
NSF funding opportunities search tool can be accessed here.
NSF research experiences for undergraduates can be accessed here.
A Dear Colleague Letter example can be accessed here.
Past NSF funding search tool can be accessed here.
Subscribe to the NSF listserv here.
Subscribe to the OPP listserv at the bottom of this page.
Thank you to IARPC Collaborations and Kelly, Lauren and Dave from the NSF OPP for creating such an informational workshop. Thank you to all who attended, we can’t wait to see what you come up with and hope to see you for the second session on June 17th!
Register for part two here! Note: You must have attended the first session to be able to attend the second session – as one builds on the other.
Please reach out to psecco@colorado.edu with any questions you might have about the event.