PSECCO / NSF Office of Polar Programs Chat with a Program Officer, for Early Career Scientists
PSECCO invites you to attend a call with National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs (OPP) program officers, specifically designed for early career polar scientists. Attend to meet OPP program managers, learn the basics behind what program officers do, how they can be helpful in relation to the funding proposal process, and ask them any questions you may have!
Some topics that may be covered by officers from the Officer of Polar Programs include:
- An overview of the OPP
- What is a program officer and why it is relevant to know them?
- What are early career-specific things that would be good for early career folks to know?
- What sorts of questions might be good to ask a program officer as you are considering putting in a proposal?
- How should early career scientists best stay updated on solicitations?
- Some current highlighted opportunities for early career scientists
The presentation from NSF OPP program officers will be followed by an open question & answer session for those on the call!
Register to attend the Program Officer chat using the included link to the left.