A New Gear Sharing Resource through CryoCommunity!

January 10, 2025
TLDR: A community resource for gear sharing was developed with community feedback in mind. Funding is available to support individuals seeking gear for fieldwork. Please contact marion.mckenzie@mines.edu for more information.
An Expressed Need for A Gear Sharing Space
A need for connection to resources regarding gear sharing, packing lists, and a list of local used gear shops was expressed at the 2023 West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Workshop by members of the cryosphere community in attendance. To address this need, I have developed a gear sharing webpage through CryoCommunity with support from Jessica Meija, Ryan Venturelli, and Mariama Dryák-Vallies with the Polar Science Early Career Community Office (PSECCO) that directly connects individuals seeking to borrow gear to those willing to lend gear. Additionally, region and discipline-specific packing lists for fieldwork are being collected in a separate Google sheet and made available to the community. In April 2024, I presented the preliminary vision for this effort at the Colorado Glaciology Meeting and have shared updates at the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Workshop in November 2024 and AGU in December 2024.
The data shared below was collected from anonymous individuals (n=25) that volunteered their time to complete a survey regarding gear needs and willingness to share gear. The survey was shared through CryoCommunity and PSECCO social media, Cryolist, and the Colorado Glaciology listserv.
CryoCommunity Gear Sharing and Borrowing Interest Survey Results
The survey results were summarized to informed steps in the development of the Gear Sharing webpage that connects individuals seeking to borrow field gear with individuals willing to lend field gear. This shared community space also includes packing lists for region-specific field work, locations of affordable used or repaired gear in cities across the United States, and lists of pro deal and other discounts afforded to field-going polar scientists.
The development of this shared resource is meant to address a gap in access to the field field within the polar sciences. This need was expressed through early career conversations at the aforementioned 2023 WAIS Workshop and through recent cryosphere sciences publications. Widely sharing packing lists and increasing access to gear will help to make fieldwork in the polar regions more welcoming to all (Dance et al., 2024; Robel et al., 2024).
We aim for this initiative to become self-sustaining by creating connections across geographically isolated and siloed glaciology departments in lieu of developing and maintaining a localized “gear repository”.
Logistics of community gear sharing
The word cloud below represents the type of gear survey respondents (n=25) are looking to borrow (n=22) vs. lend (n=20). The majority of respondents indicated the gear they would lend is new, slightly, or well used (94.7%).

Borrowers (n=22) would need to use gear for a length of time between 1 week and 1 month (50%), between 1 and 3 months (45.5%), or for more than 3 months (4.5%). Lenders (n=20) are willing to share gear for 1 week to 1 month (4.5%), between 1 and 3 months (40%), for more than 3 months (15%), or noted the length of time for lending would depend on the situation (40%).
59.1% of borrowers (n=22) indicated they would be willing to pay for all or a portion of postage required to receive gear. 22.7% of borrowers indicated they would be willing to travel to receive gear.
30% of lenders (n=20) would be willing to pay for all of the postage required to ship gear, while 50% of lenders would be willing to pay for postage if the borrower was a student. 90% of lenders also indicated they would be willing to meet the borrower in-person if they were local.
Listed concerns
The following concerns were also highlighted within the survey:
- Quality assurance: accurate descriptions of products and specifications for usage
- Receiving the equipment early enough to be able to practice usage
- Sanitation of personal gear and cleanliness upon return
- Timely return of gear after usage
- Breakage or damage of items
- Transparency of the reason for use by the borrower
Lending Agreement Templates
In order to address respondent concerns regarding quality assurance, timeliness of gear receiving/return, transparency of use, sanitation, and responsibility of cost, we have developed a gear lending agreement template that users can adapt for their own purposes. While we established general community expectations for the gear sharing page, we understand the requirements for particular gear usage may vary widely. Those using the page are encouraged to edit the lending agreement to establish expectations for borrowing timelines, responsibility of cost, and other logistical details.
Additional questions from the survey indicated that advice on establishing pro deals, communicating shared storage availability, and sharing introduction to fieldwork resources and contact information from community members with regional packing lists would be helpful. As the gear sharing page was developed, we kept these suggestions in mind and have incorporated all these components to develop a resource that is most useful to the community.
Thanks to the generosity of a PSECCO Micro-grant, funding is available for community members to utilize the Gear Sharing page resource. Financial support can be used to cover the cost of shipping for gear transfers or purchase of cleaning supplies for borrowed gear.
For more information about how to receive funding to share gear, or for other questions about the program, please contact Marion McKenzie at marion.mckenzie@mines.edu.