'Leadership from Above and Below: Building Safe and Constructive Work Atmospheres' - Workshop #3 of the 2024 Leadership Workshop Series

April 12, 2024
On April 3rd, 2024, PSECCO hosted the third and final workshop of the 2024 Leadership Skills Workshop Series entitled ‘Leadership from Above and Below: Building Safe and Constructive Work Atmospheres’.
The recording for this event can be accessed here.
In this recording you can learn practical approaches to debriefing including tools for constructive feedback, effective trust-building and communication techniques, and why emotional intelligence is important as a leader. Most of the workshop was spent conducting role-playing conflict scenarios where participants practiced implementing tools such as the advocacy-inquiry conversation model.
Relevant resources and links shared during the workshop include:
- The slide deck from this workshop can be accessed here.
- The slide deck from Workshop #1 of the 2024 Leadership Workshop Series can be accessed here.
- The slide deck from Workshop #2 of the 2024 Leadership Workshop Series can be accessed here.
- The Miro Board used during this workshop to conduct role-playing scenarios and allow collaboration between participants can be accessed here.
With over 25 participants per workshop, this series was impactful on the PSECCO community and all who attended. The range of participants from PIs to PhD students highlights how important leadership skills are in the many realms of polar science.
Thank you to Tasha Snow and Elisa McGhee for conducting such a meaningful event and series for the polar science early career community. Thank everyone who attended this series, we hope it was as nourishing for you to experience as it was for us to create!
Additionally, you’re welcome to join the PSECCO Community if you haven’t already! Connect with us by subscribing to our monthly newsletter, engaging with the community Slack space, or joining the PSECCO listserv: https://psecco.org/join-psecco-community.
Be sure to check out our upcoming events as well, and we hope to see you soon!
- The PSECCO Team