"How to Write a One-Pager" Workshop with NSF Office of Polar Programs (OPP) Part 1
Join NSF Office of Polar Program (OPP) Program Officers (supported by PSECCO and IARPC Collaborations) to learn how to write a one-pager to summarize an idea you want to pitch to a funding agency. This workshop series is open to polar early career scientists and will be run in two parts.
Part 1 – June 20, 2024, 10am to 11am AKT | 12pm to 1pm MT | 2pm to 3pm ET
In this first workshop on June 20th, Participants joined NSF OPP Program Officers to better understand the benefits and opportunities of developing a one-pager, ask questions about the writing process, and sorted themselved into a small group of other early career researchers to write a one-pager together. View the recording of this workshop here.
Relevant resources and links shared during this workshop include:
The ‘how to write a one-pager' cheat-sheet was circulated directly by email to folks registered for this part 1 of the workshop.
NSF funding opportunities search tool can be accessed here.
NSF research experiences for undergraduates can be accessed here.
A Dear Colleague Letter example can be accessed here.
Past NSF funding search tool can be accessed here.
Subscribe to the NSF listserv here.
Subscribe to the OPP listserv at the bottom of this page.
Part 1.5 – June 21 to July 10, 2024
Convene asynchronously with your group to complete the drafting a one-pager exercise that you will submit to the program officers to review by July 10th, that they will provide feedback on during the next session. Please note that those who attend the first session will be sorted into groups, and each group will draft up one one-pager.
Part 2 – July 17, 2024, 10am to 12pm AKT | 12pm to 2pm MT | 2pm to 4pm ET
In this second session, you'll receive feedback from program officers on your one-pager and will discuss areas of growth for your group in the future. Register for this workshop here!
Please note that you must attend the first session to be able to attend the second session – as one builds on the other. Please reach out to psecco@colorado.edu with any questions you might have about the event.